Enjoy convenient local delivery in Oshawa, Ajax, Whitby, and Pickering, bringing quality lash products right to your doorstep.
Receive bulk order pricing on our Exclusive lashes and adhesives on a 30 business day pre-order. Bulk orders can be placed anytime of the month! If you wish to receive your order for a specific date, please be calculated and submit your order at least 35 days prior to the date of you wish for it to arrive.
All bulk orders require FULL payment upfront. Please note their may be additional fees bases on the size of the order and or the location in which it is being shipped too.
To place your bulk order, please click on the designated link save it as a pdf Edit and fill out the form. Once the form is completed please email it to nikiinorth@gmail.com. The order will then be reviewed before it is confirmed. Once it is confirmed, you will receive a payment invoice with further payment instructions.

Please refer to the example form below that has been filled out. You must be clear and detailed on what you are looking for. Don't worry, if we have any questions or concerns we will be reaching out via email.